There are two ways to select the Insert from Scanner tool: - 1. NOTE: You can also drag any compatible file from Windows Explorer straight into the Pages Pane to insert it, as Nitro will temporarily convert the dragged file into a PDF before it is placed at the exact position among the pages of your PDF file How to insert a page into a PDF via the scanner: Drag a PDF file from Windows Explorer straight into the Pages Pane to insert it at an exact position among the pages of your PDF file. From the sidebar navigation tabs (displayed along the left side of the application window), click the Pages tab to display the Pages pane. How to insert a whole PDF into an opened PDF via the Pages pane: In the Insert Pages dialog, select from the available page range options, and specify where the pages should be placed within your file. In the Open dialog, select the document to insert. On the Page Layout tab, in the Pages group, click Insert. On the Home tab, in the Pages group, click Insert. There are two ways to select the Insert pages tool: 1.
When inserting pages, you can choose whether to insert an entire document or just a range of its pages. Nitro Pro enables you to combine pages from multiple PDFs into a single file.