High Warlord Cromush says: From Lordaeron to Kalimdor, they will know his name and they will sing songs of glory, praising the fallen champion of the Horde. High Warlord Cromush says: Do not mourn Orkus. He died to get this here? High Warlord Cromush lifts Orkus' lifeless body up. High Warlord Cromush says: What happened? What have you got in your hands there? High Warlord Cromush reads the Alliance battle plan. Kasha later lands at Tarren Mill with you and Orkus' lifeless body. Make sure she finds a cold place to live. Kingslayer Orkus says: Please take care of Kasha. I know it's selfish, but I have something to ask of you. Kingslayer Orkus says: You are the best friend that Orkus has ever had. Kingslayer Orkus yells: KASHA, GET OUT OF HERE! Kingslayer Orkus yells: FORGET ABOUT ME, KASHA! GO! Kasha flies on and picks you up, watching as Orkus' health drops, but flies around and picks him up before he dies, throwing him up to sit behind you. Kingslayer Orkus yells: CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE LOK'TAR IS COOKIN'?! Vanndar Stormpike yells: There's no gettin' away this time, orc! You've sung your last lok'tar! Click on the dead Stormpike Battlemaster to receive the plans. Kingslayer Orkus yells: GET THE PLANS AND GO! Kingslayer Orkus charges the trio of Ivar Bloodfang, Balinda Stonehearth and Vanndar Stormpike and starts fighting. let's do this! Kingslayer Orkus runs to the table and attacks the Stormpike Battle Master, killing her instantly. I do not know how long I can hold them all off for! Get the plans and get out!" Kingslayer Orkus says: Tell me when you are ready and we will go! "Are you ready? You will have to act quickly. Kingslayer Orkus says: Do not worry about Orkus.

I will call Kasha to pick you up as soon as I see you get the plans. Kingslayer Orkus says: While I have them distracted you get the plans from the guard's corpse. Kingslayer Orkus says: I will kill the guard at the table and then I will draw the attention of the trio. Kingslayer Orkus says: STOP! GET DOWN, ! Kingslayer Orkus says: Look there, near the map table! The Stormpike Battle Master holds the Alliance battle plans! Kingslayer Orkus says: I. Make your way up to the top of the hill and Orkus will stop you. What you and Orkus did will save hundreds of lives and ensure that our foothold in Hillsbrad is not lost. He will be honored as a hero of the Horde, just as he always hoped. Rewards You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Onward! Together we will defeat the Alliance filth! he will grant both of us commendations for this! We will be heroes of the Horde, ! Now to find their battle plans and take out their leaders! Should we succeed there is an orc high warlord who served in the war in Silverpine that is now stationed at Tarren Mill - located in the heart of Hillsbrad. Steal the Alliance Battle Plans and Become Heroes of the Horde.